Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

Can I just say, wow for the fireworks tonight ... color and light bursting into the darkness, onto the scene of a new year, a new start, a new chance to make promises ... and break the ones about diet and exercise. In fact, even though I just bought myself a new swimsuit, I don't think I can pass up the Chicken Divan that even now waits for me in Grandma's kitchen. Da' gurl that stuff was so good last night ... and there's Bluebell ice cream in the freezer. Diet, shmiet.

A glass of sparkling grape juice hailed in my new year, toasted with my family. (I tried champagne twice -- two different New Years -- and both times I nearly sprayed the toast over everybody, which doesn't exactly make anyone happy.) This small change makes a person thankful, it really does. Looking around and seeing the faces of people that you love being lit by reds and greens and blues as you all toast to life, to another year survived together (which can sometimes be considered a small miracle), to another year with each other to look forward to. Funny thing, I always seem to look back when the new year comes around and find myself thankful for past things, old friends, good memories. Heck, New Year almost makes a person more grateful than Thanksgiving. Maybe it's just cuz we stay up later. The whole world seems to become a philosopher past midnight. Or maybe it's just all the kissing couples.

'He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new!"' (Rev. 21:5)

Thinking about that promise, I make a resolution humbly, knowing I can't even resist a bowl of ice cream for one day, yet confidently, knowing that I have One who is able to make me new -- to bring my promises to reality.

I resolve: to LOVE.

And love and love and love. Without selfishness, selfish motive, or the interference of selfish desires. To love as "He first loved us." To love in the reality of the Cross, in the awareness of the Cross, in the light of the Cross and Him who died on it and rose from the dead to make me able to love in that way.

This isn't a new resolution. I've made it the past three years. And I've failed many many many times. Probably more than I've succeeded. But I still see it as a success not a failure. Every failing of mine becomes a beautiful mark of the chisel as Jesus shapes me into His likeness. It's a resolution of growth. As I grow, may my ability to love also grow. Like a flower stretching out of the ground, may I, every year, bloom.

So goodnight, 2009, and welcome to the world. May we make the most of you.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

I thought I'd start this blog out with a mantra:

“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” (Gal. 2:20)

I want this to become the theme of my life, the motto I live by, the song I dance to. He loved me. He loved me. And gave himself for me. You know that song, "I'VE GOT THE POWAH!!" Yeah. That. I've got it. Christ lives in me. It is because of that power, that promise, that I can start really living.

Ready or not, here I come.
